"He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap" (Ecclesiastes 11:4).
We took a mini-vacation for our anniversary, to a relatively new hotel only 20 minutes from our house. The highlight was spending a total of 5 hours in the pool. Much of the time, we were the only ones there! As part of that, we decided to have my wife take pictures of Kylen and me doing cool jumps into the water. We spent quite a bit of time trying to capture the perfect pose, or the perfect splash, or....
I cannot tell you how many times we tried getting a shot of Kylen and me jumping in together, at just the right time. We had a really hard time synchonizing the camera with the jump, especially when taking into account the camera's own shutter delay. My arms got so tired, climbing out of the pool so many times! But we wanted it to turn out a certain way and our stubborness pushed us to do quite a bit of extra work. We never did get a satisfactory shot.
The experience reminded me of times in my life when I wanted to get into something new, but didn't, because I wanted to do it a certain way or kept waiting for just the right time to do it. My current dream of launching my own software business is just that way!
How many times have you over-analyzed or over-planned something, and eventually either lost the nerve, interest, inspiration, or opportunity to do it?
So quit analyzing and just jump in, already!
By the way, the shot above was the first one Farrah took of me, and we loved it!
I have a friend who quite often mentions he is going to write an autobiography someday. I keep reminding him there is no such time as someday. There is only yesterday (which is gone) and today. Some people think there is a tomorrow, but that is not guaranteed and if tomorrow happens, it is today. If you are going to do it some day that some day is today.
A very good reminder, Greg...I need to get busy with my own business!!
Larry - you are too right!
I know only too well that the "tomorrow" you had hoped and dreamed of may be just that...a dream.
So much to do and so little time! That's why we need God's guidance for direction.
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Sounds like (and looks like) you had a lot of fun! Oh, Happy Anniversay!
I have that problem of starting a project (at least in my mind) and never completing it. I've wanted to write a book (or at least compile the stuff that I've already written), but alas...something (or everything) always gets in the way. Of course, starting the thing would be...well...a start! :-)
Good words, Greg. Happy New Year and I'll be "seeing" you around!
Good idea.
For me, I have circumstances that will not possibly permit me to do what I really want to do.
I just jumped into something and I can't even get wet.
(2nd thought)
Narcissist ;)
LOL! sooo true... Just jump in already! is a good way of looking at it..I beleive when we do that it leaves more room for faith in the Lord to see us thru :)
'How many times have you over-analyzed or over-planned something, and eventually either lost the nerve, interest, inspiration, or opportunity to do it?
So quit analyzing and just jump in, already!'
Sometimes a thing just needs to be done within reasonable faith in the Lord.
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