I thought long and hard about the situation. Here was a young woman who chose her faith over me. Though I knew she was as head-over-heels for me as I was for her, this Jesus guy trumped all else. She dumped me, for a dead guy in an old book.
But what if there really was something to Jesus? Then I would not only lose her, but also a chance to find the answer to what I may have been missing all along. By the next morning, my mind was made up: I had to find out. I had to know if this Jesus, that she chose over me, was for real. I sent her an e-mail and told her that I wanted to know more about Jesus. I told her I could make no promises about us, until I made up my mind about Him. Later that day, she called me, and I spoke to her dad, a pastor. He was very nice, and he recommended I buy a King James Bible and study the Gospel of John.
I had tried reading the Bible before, for classes and Young Life, but it never made much sense to me, and it was very boring reading. Still, I needed to find out more about Jesus, and that seemed as good a place to start as any.
I went to the local bookstore, a dinky place in an old building, and scoured the Bible racks for a KJV. Didn't find one until I looked up. High, on the topmost shelf, someone had put a paperback KJV, all by its lonesome. It was meant for me. I bought it and began to read.
For some reason, the words made sense to me, now. The account of Jesus' travels and teachings became real to me. It was as if Jesus was speaking directly to me..., and I believed.
On April 8, 1998, while sitting at my desk, doing homework, I prayed the first earnest prayer of my young life. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and to guide me in every decision I would ever make, including whether this girl that I still loved was the one for me.
She was.
And still is.
The following December, we were married, and Farrah and I will be celebrating our 11th anniversary this year.
So, this was actually the story of a love triangle. A Savior who loved His children beyond imagining used one to lead the other to Him. For that, I will always be thankful to Jesus, and to a woman who had the faith to love Him more than me.
So, did I adopt new beliefs for the love of a woman? Some may say that I have, but that's an awfully shallow way of looking at it. No one ever comes to Jesus, without Him first drawing them to Himself. He uses different means, depending on the person. For some, it's hardship. For others, it's the example of a faithful servant. For me, it was the love of a woman... for her Savior.
Very, very cool.
"For me, it was the love of a woman... for her Savior."
What a great testimony of Farrah's faithfulness and the love of our Lord to use her love and commitment to Him to draw you to Himself.
If we could all love our Savior like that! I'm rebuked and encouraged--the mark of a good witness.
Thanks for sharing, Greg.
What a heart for the Lord she showed! Oh yes...He was definitely calling you to Himself! He LOVES us...isn't that just the most amazing, wonderful thing - EVER??!! Thank you for sharing your LOVE story. May God bless you both with a long, long marriage!
And thank you for your prayers for my Mom...I'm grateful!
'No one ever comes to Jesus, without Him first drawing them to Himself. He uses different means, depending on the person.'
Well stated.:)
How nice. But no comment from Farrah this time?
Larry E.
I am not worthy of any praise at all, but I am INFINITELY grateful for my wonderful husband and for God's mercy! To Him be the glory!!!
Nice :)
No one ever comes to Jesus, without Him first drawing them to Himself. He uses different means, depending on the person. For some, it's hardship. For others, it's the example of a faithful servant. For me, it was the love of a woman... for her Savior.
What a great write. Thanks Greg!
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