Sunday, September 21, 2008

Symbolic Sunday

Repent, Ye!

"Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever." (Ezekiel 43:9).

The OT is packed with symbolism relevant to our lives today. In Chapter 43 of Ezekiel, God is telling Ezekiel that although Israel has been a rebellious and idolatrous nation, which He punished severely, He will restore them and live among them, in the end. But the condition is that Israel must turn away from its sins.

God takes no pleasure in sacrifices or lip-service; what He wants is repentant hearts that love Him more than anything else. Are you holding on to sin, instead of surrendering it to God? Are worldy possessions, goals, or relationships, keeping you from a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? Put those things away, far from Him, and He will draw closer to you.

All the things of this world will one day perish; every single one, except Jesus! He will endure forever. He died on that cross to make a way for you to spend eternity in His Holy presence, but only if you accept His gift and turn from all your sins and worldly affections. In return, He will bless you and give you the peace your heart's been longing for. Isn't that worth everything and more?

1 comment:

Andrew Clarke said...

This is a good witness. As you say,
God looks into the heart and is not deceived by worldly affectations of Godliness. That's what He was saying about the Pharisees. And I have to remember when I'm praying to think what I'm saying and mean it, not rattle it off like a ritual. By the way, the picture on this post, of the baby with the open Bible, is brilliant. The caption suits it ideally. Your comment on my blog was a good read.
In Australia, too, we have reverse discrimination in the form of 'affirmative action' and it can get to the stage that being a 'white Anglo-Saxon Protestant' without any disability or special claim means that you go the end of the queue for everything. If 100 years ago Aboriginals (or Native Americans) were denied things, it's too late to compensate people who lived then, and a white person living today can actually become disadvantaged vis-a-vis a person who can claim some theoretical disadvantage. Achieving complete social equity can be difficult, and bureaucratic policies can simply add to the confusion. It's a problem! Blessings to all yours, anyway.